CrystalNet offers R3Data Remote Backup.

CrystalNet is now able to offer a business only managed data backup and archiving service at an affordable price to small and medium sized business.

All data is encrypted to a very high level as demanded and accepted by all banks and financial institutions and the customer always holds the encryption key, ensuring that only they have access to their data.

The R3Data approach is different. When a new subscriber joins CrystalNet install an external USB hard drive to the customer server that can download the software from the R3Data website, or use the copy supplied on the USB hard disk.

The customer sets up a backup policy for the data to be backed up, and performs the first backup to the USB hard disk. At this stage the data is compressed and after this the data is encrypted using the encryption key that the customer sets. It is then copied to the hard disk in special containers, which ensures that without our software the containers are sealed and of no use, and that even with the R3Data software, without the encryption key, it would take considerable effort to decrypt one file, while the key on the next file is then different again.

Data is now securely on the USB hard disk and can be returned to us for transferring onto our backup server. The customer now doesn’t need to do anything else.

To find out more about Data Storgae call CrystalNet on 0845 330 1246

Article Date: 07/05/2009

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